The qualification consists of competencies that must be possessed to assemble electronic products, prepare Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) modules and to install and service consumer and industrial electronic products and systems.
Basic Competencies
- Participate in workplace communication
- Work in team environment
- Practice career professionalism
- Practice occupational health and safety procedures
Common Competencies
- Apply quality standards
- Perform computer operations
- Perform mensuration and calculation
- Prepare and interpret technical drawing
- Use hand tools
- Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronic circuits
- Test electronic components
Core Competencies
- Assemble electronic products
- Service consumer electronic products and systems
- Service industrial electronic modules, products and systems
Prospective Careers
Electronic Products Assembler
Domestic Appliance Service Technician
Audio-Video Service Technician
Industrial Electronic Technician
Electronic Production Line Assembler
Factory Production Worker
Kindly prepare the listed requirements in both hard and soft formats for submission to our Training and Assessment Centers.
- Two 1x1 photos (white background)
- Two passport-sized photos (with name tag, collar, and white background)
- Photocopy of PSA-issued birth certificate
- Photocopy of any valid government-issued ID
- Photocopy of Transcript Of Records / Form 138 / Form 137
- If applicable: Photocopy of marriage contract
For inquiries, kindly send us an email at pas@access.edu.ph or call or text us at 0908 813 0738.